Computer Vision
CVonline: On-line Compendium of Computer Vision
OpenCV: the Open Source Computer Vision library
The Intel Image Processing Library: Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP)
Omnidirectional Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab
Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab
Bundler: Open source software for multi-view structure from motion
Microsoft Photosynth
Photo Tourism
Voodoo Camera Tracker: A tool for the integration of virtual and real scenes
Augmented-reality toolkit (ARToolkit)
Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM)
Computer Vision industry
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: SLAM Open source software for SLAM and loop-closing
Andrew Davison real-time monocular visual SLAM: C/C++ and Matlab implementations
George Klein real-time monocular visual SLAM
EKF SLAM simulator for Matlab
Rawseeds: a large collection of benchmarked datasets for SLAM
SLAM Summer 2009: slides, lectures notes, exercises, software, and datasets about SLAM
Passive walking
Passive walking, the Cornell Ranger
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